Why Global Elders? Ver. 30/04/07 (PDF)

Dr. Sekagya Working draft 1 (30.04.07)

Questions for Indigenous Elders:

1. What could a group of global Elders do for the world?

a. The world includes the elders. While in the same boat, you participate in protecting the boat from sinking. The elders have a role of;

i. preparing the incoming and future elders

ii. preparing for their next destinations as ancestors

iii. Acting as a reference knowledge base (reference to other wise difficult, inaccesible and rate indigenous knowledge that can not be valued until accessed.

iv. It is very difficult to value what one does not know. It is equally difficult to know what you do not value. But it is very logical to know what others value and to value what others know.

v. Future values are the presently preserved non-values to the present common mind and eyes.

2. Who should global Elders they be?

a. Who is an elder?

b. What qualifies one to be an elder?

c. Who recognizes and elder?

i. Elders are people recognized by their communities and have extrasensory perceptions

ii. Elders are traced back to the manner of their origin, the transformation of their inner structure, their material and non-material elements and their characteristics.

iii. Elders are formed through a transformation processes them from inside out.

iv. there is a real connection between a non-material structure and human lifestyles of an elder.

v. Elders are always chosen by certain people with particular traits.

d. This call for development of a culture of discipline, learning and devotion to elders.

3. What do we need to do to fully respect the Earth?

a. Like most world elders know, everything is energy. The elders have a role to educate the world the ways to nurture the intuitive abilities to the feel of an environment (the Earth). Since this is a dynamic effect, we can change the energy of your environment by learning how to give thanks to all our insights and consider the values of divine inspiration, collective unconsciousness, strengths and deepen our will and understanding, and encourage linkage into a tremendous, interdependent system.

4. How may we best communicate to the large world of humanity what needs to be done to reach world harmony?

a. Elders are communicated to in various ways. These ways may not make sense to the common mind; neither does it need to make sense for it to be true anyway!! It is when these communication channels are unblocked and cleared should the larger world of humanity benefit and harmony be restored.

b. To give an example; Elders have the secrets of how to understand and affect the energy in order to better predict and direct a persons current life and the future, the powers and potential of human body, mind and spirit to manifest the future one might desire.

c. Elders have harmonized human senses of Intuition, Feeling and Senses of Touch, Smell, Sight, Hearing and Test. Senses of intuition and feelings are the basics of knowing. Elders take the first heed of a Muscle twitch and Pay attention, take Notice of their feelings and act on their feelings. Some information can be given in a flash, which information is at times difficult to be put in words

d. It is not unusual for statesmen to be guided by their own intuition of the intuitive powers of others1.

e. We all do not learn our knowledge from the books. Some people, seems like, they plug into a mystical computer and down-load the secrets of the universe

f. We all have intuition (we may or may not use it)

5. What do our young people most need to know?

a. Need to develop a culture of discipline, learning and devotion to elders.

b. We all do not learn our knowledge from the books. Some people, seems

like, they plug into a mystical computer and down-load the secrets of the


6. How may men and women best understand each other?

a. Understand the indigenous values of marriage, its process, legitimates,

symbolism and consequences

b. An example of Bride wealth or (brideprice)

i. A token of appreciation to the parents and a bridge of new

relationship between families, the public proclamation of man and

woman, a symbolism of love and formal agreement of everlasting

friendship and identity. It legitimize, sex, the children, woman and

man rights, security, respect, … its moral values, a sign of


ii. However, modern times has abused bridewealth (bride price) by;

commercializing it, as an avenue of getting rich quickly and

making it as a personal commitment rather than a family or

community affair. Is interpreted as a payment for the bride.

iii. This abuse has resulted in increased cohabiting and divorce rates

c. It is the role and responsibilities of the Council of Elders to restore the

order of trends.

7. What brings SUSTAINING peace in the world?

1 Alexandria, Virginia, 1987. Psychic Powers, Mysteries of the unknown. Time-life books. page 21


8. How do we increase respect for each other, tribe, and people?

9. How may the arts — dance, music, art, carving, and so forth- be used to

bring world harmony and healing?

a. This calls for people, like the elders, to harmonize their understanding of

Language of symbolism. (This urgently calls for a meeting of the

council of elders)

i. This language of symbolism is a universal language symbolism,

numbers, and metaphysical allegory. They have hidden meanings

that Can be misinterpreted and manipulated

ii. Such symbolism include; Fire, Sacrifice and are expressed in many

arts forms of dance, music, art, carving, and so forth- that are used

to bring world harmony and healing?

b. It is worth noting the Symbolism transcends time, culture and language. Is

contained in Symbolic thoughts, Understandings, Ancient symbols and

Body of symbolic literature

c. McCallum. I 2005 rightly puts it, “As irrational as it may seem, symbol

formation and pattern making are part of our survival”. In any case,

sometimes irrationality has its own rationale2

10. How do we find out the most important needs of people(s) without a voice

and assist them?

a. How can we find answers when we are not sure what the questions are?

b. And how can we find answers when we are not sure who to ask the


i. These are two important issues to look out for and it is people with

extrasensory perceptions that will take the lead. These are mainly

the elders

ii. Since Extra-sensory perceptions are defined as the apparent

reception of information through means other than the known

sensory channels. The individuals having these experiences are

said to be psychic and such people see beyond the limits of our

present understanding.

iii. It is presently commonly believed that humans possess more than

five senses. Some additional faculty enables the elders sense

occurrences before they happened, or apprehend what is in

someone else’s mind, or be aware of an event taking place far

away. This faculty permits a glimpse into another plane of time or

space, unreachable by the ordinary senses of hearing, seeing ,

touching, tasting or smelling.

iv. Attempt have been made to categorise these abilities into

Clairvoyance Telepathy; Precognition; Retro-cognition and so

on. Much as these attempts may not be true, they are credited by

2 Ian McCallum, 2005. Ecological Intelligence. Rediscovering ourselves in nature. Africa Geographic.

(page 147)

most Elders as a way towards understanding and respecting their

inherent potentials.

c. Human belief in psychic powers has been with us always and it remains

strong. In the book Psychic Powers 1987, Mary Craig believed that while

some people are especially gifted, psychic talents can be cultivated by


d. During healing, Elders derive and establish meaning out of our situations,

our personal suffering and our discontent

11. What rituals or ways are appropriate for this work? Fire ceremony?

Libations? (How do we bring the Great Spirit into the vision of all to be

honored loved and followed?)

a. Whatever the form of rituals, rituals are rituals. Most elders look and

consider rituals for its place in the community, its prescription and desired

results, its scope (individual, family, group, community?)

b. Preparation for the ritual is at times more significant than the ritual itself.

It involved psychological, intellectual and physical preparations.

12. Does dogma work?

a. Integrates transmission of value and education

b. Dogma is complex, you can only find in it what you want.


Please let us take note that all in all is about Self-empowerment, and human reality. The

variable interpretation of the values of the Sun, the Planets in motion, are all in each of

us and our own realities.

This reality which is defined by ourselves, will create mutual bonds with other humans or

form boundaries between us and others. If you have shared experiences with someone,

you will have the same reality. If you have someone who shares the same knowledge as

you , you also share the same reality. Two experts in the same field will soon begin to

exchange technical knowledge even if they have only just met five minutes earlier.

People who have the same traditional knowledge views will quickly gravitate towards

each other. Reality is something completely subjective, yet the individual experiences it

as absolute and valid.3

In healing, it is very important to know the patients reality: a healer will not be able to

help the patient if he/she attacks the patients’ reality, deny it or devalue it. Only if we

accept another reality as given will be able to help someone to change, if that person is

having problems or difficulties and wishes to overcome them.

3 Gienger M. 2004. Crystal Power, Crystal Healing- The Complete Handbook. Crystals pg 53. Cassel

illustrated 2-4 Heron Quays London

5. What do our young people most need to know?

a. Need to develop a culture of discipline, learning and devotion to elders.

b. We all do not learn our knowledge from the books. Some people, seems

like, they plug into a mystical computer and down-load the secrets of the


6. How may men and women best understand each other?

a. Understand the indigenous values of marriage, its process, legitimates,

symbolism and consequences

b. An example of Bride wealth or (brideprice)

i. A token of appreciation to the parents and a bridge of new

relationship between families, the public proclamation of man and

woman, a symbolism of love and formal agreement of everlasting

friendship and identity. It legitimize, sex, the children, woman and

man rights, security, respect, … its moral values, a sign of


ii. However, modern times has abused bridewealth (bride price) by;

commercializing it, as an avenue of getting rich quickly and

making it as a personal commitment rather than a family or

community affair. Is interpreted as a payment for the bride.

iii. This abuse has resulted in increased cohabiting and divorce rates

c. It is the role and responsibilities of the Council of Elders to restore the

order of trends.

7. What brings SUSTAINING peace in the world?

1 Alexandria, Virginia, 1987. Psychic Powers, Mysteries of the unknown. Time-life books. page 21


8. How do we increase respect for each other, tribe, and people?

9. How may the arts — dance, music, art, carving, and so forth- be used to

bring world harmony and healing?

a. This calls for people, like the elders, to harmonize their understanding of

Language of symbolism. (This urgently calls for a meeting of the

council of elders)

i. This language of symbolism is a universal language symbolism,

numbers, and metaphysical allegory. They have hidden meanings

that Can be misinterpreted and manipulated

ii. Such symbolism include; Fire, Sacrifice and are expressed in many

arts forms of dance, music, art, carving, and so forth- that are used

to bring world harmony and healing?

b. It is worth noting the Symbolism transcends time, culture and language. Is

contained in Symbolic thoughts, Understandings, Ancient symbols and

Body of symbolic literature

c. McCallum. I 2005 rightly puts it, “As irrational as it may seem, symbol

formation and pattern making are part of our survival”. In any case,

sometimes irrationality has its own rationale2

10. How do we find out the most important needs of people(s) without a voice

and assist them?

a. How can we find answers when we are not sure what the questions are?

b. And how can we find answers when we are not sure who to ask the


i. These are two important issues to look out for and it is people with

extrasensory perceptions that will take the lead. These are mainly

the elders

ii. Since Extra-sensory perceptions are defined as the apparent

reception of information through means other than the known

sensory channels. The individuals having these experiences are

said to be psychic and such people see beyond the limits of our

present understanding.

iii. It is presently commonly believed that humans possess more than

five senses. Some additional faculty enables the elders sense

occurrences before they happened, or apprehend what is in

someone else’s mind, or be aware of an event taking place far

away. This faculty permits a glimpse into another plane of time or

space, unreachable by the ordinary senses of hearing, seeing ,

touching, tasting or smelling.

iv. Attempt have been made to categorise these abilities into

Clairvoyance Telepathy; Precognition; Retro-cognition and so

on. Much as these attempts may not be true, they are credited by

2 Ian McCallum, 2005. Ecological Intelligence. Rediscovering ourselves in nature. Africa Geographic.

(page 147)

most Elders as a way towards understanding and respecting their

inherent potentials.

c. Human belief in psychic powers has been with us always and it remains

strong. In the book Psychic Powers 1987, Mary Craig believed that while

some people are especially gifted, psychic talents can be cultivated by


d. During healing, Elders derive and establish meaning out of our situations,

our personal suffering and our discontent

11. What rituals or ways are appropriate for this work? Fire ceremony?

Libations? (How do we bring the Great Spirit into the vision of all to be

honored loved and followed?)

a. Whatever the form of rituals, rituals are rituals. Most elders look and

consider rituals for its place in the community, its prescription and desired

results, its scope (individual, family, group, community?)

b. Preparation for the ritual is at times more significant than the ritual itself.

It involved psychological, intellectual and physical preparations.

12. Does dogma work?

a. Integrates transmission of value and education

b. Dogma is complex, you can only find in it what you want.


Please let us take note that all in all is about Self-empowerment, and human reality. The

variable interpretation of the values of the Sun, the Planets in motion, are all in each of

us and our own realities.

This reality which is defined by ourselves, will create mutual bonds with other humans or

form boundaries between us and others. If you have shared experiences with someone,

you will have the same reality. If you have someone who shares the same knowledge as

you , you also share the same reality. Two experts in the same field will soon begin to

exchange technical knowledge even if they have only just met five minutes earlier.

People who have the same traditional knowledge views will quickly gravitate towards

each other. Reality is something completely subjective, yet the individual experiences it

as absolute and valid.3

In healing, it is very important to know the patients reality: a healer will not be able to

help the patient if he/she attacks the patients’ reality, deny it or devalue it. Only if we

accept another reality as given will be able to help someone to change, if that person is

having problems or difficulties and wishes to overcome them.

3 Gienger M. 2004. Crystal Power, Crystal Healing- The Complete Handbook. Crystals pg 53. Cassel

illustrated 2-4 Heron Quays London

Dr. Sekagya Working draft 1 (30.04.07) Questions for Indigenous Elders: 1. What could a group of global Elders do for the world? a. The world includes the elders. While in the same boat, you participate in protecting the boat from sinking. The elders have a role of; i. preparing the incoming and future elders ii. […]