Apela Colorado
272-2 Pualai St.
Lahaina, Maui, HI.
24 July ’01
Greetings return to you, Dr. Colorado, in the love and in the light of the ancestors, The Source of Life.
Aloha Kakou!
I am responding to your latest request of the “Healers Circle,” and the ancestors replies to the query.
Now: Through the eighth and ninth gates we pass into the “Circle’s” most interior ring, “The rod and ring of divinity, measured justice,” the hall of signs (Hoailona); where KE AULI’I (The Rod) is about leadership, measurement, force, and impact the mind has on the world, when clear and purposeful, it carries the approach of COMMAND in the simplest and most direct sense: by my word, by y will.
A compelling thrust beyond debate, above criticism. Yet Ke Auli’i also mete out justice. So the balancing approach is one of discernment about how much command is used, utilizing DISCRETION. In combination, Ke Auli’i is the force of the empowered will tempered by a sense of fairness and justice; shared by the ninth and tenth ancestral houses of “I CARE”, and “I REALIZE,” in the sea of pyramids where COMMAND provides entry and DISCRETION makes an exit. Now entered the star of INDEPENDENCE.
KU OKO’A, independence is about non-attachment to things or to people. It is typified by “KAHO’OPAKELE” (The Deliverer), the being who releases ties and bonds. The mana FREEING, loosening, making space. The mana is part of “I PERFECT”, and “I EXPAND.” It also creates the light of Kona Kai Opua i ka lai (The Southern Sea of Quiet Flowers). Mana moving from a point, or consciousness removing itself from something. Now, entered Ka Po Kaka’a, The Wheel.
Ka Po Kaka’a is in the ancestral house of MANA, where the positive polarity is about AUTHORITY, the positive polarity of power (MANA), and its negative is OPPRESSION, and is the ancestral makana (gift) of “I CARE.” It is the gift of getting your feet wet, of going through with things; the gift of EXPERIENCE. It is the ability to go along with life and learn from it. The result of this APPLICATION, KNOWING BETTER WHAT TO DO NEXT TIME, having first hand knowledge that can be applied in new ways. And entered PUKA ANIANI
Na Puka Aniani (Windows) is about the side of ourselves that exhibits perspective. The window represent one’s PERSONAL VIEWPOINT that is expressed to others. It is a side that is OBSERVANT, trying to take it all in, in order to have PERSPECTIVE. The window also describes a SEPARATION from the rest of the world, and the SELF LIMITATION that can result from separateness. The window dwells in the ancestral house “THE PERFECT FORM,” expressing “I PERFECT” through the mana of FREEING and PERCEIVING; and expression of kona kai o pua i ka lai.
The heart of the ancestral magic is the experience of the joy of union with the CREATOR. This joy will of necessity radiate throughout the life of the positive adept.
Any purpose which you may frame should, the ancestors suggest, take into consideration this basic union with the One Infinite Creator, for this union will result in service to others of necessity.
The principle behind any ritual of the white magical nature is to so configure the stimuli which reach down into the trunk of mind that this arrangement causes the generation of disciplined and purified emotion or aloha which then may be both protection and the key to the gateway to intelligent infinity.
Your rituals at your level of progress contain the concept of polarization and this is most central at your particular space/time. Your is the dance at this space/time in third density.
With the permission of the ancestors, I leave you, Dr. Colorado, in the love and in the light of the ancestors, The Source of Life; rejoicing in the power and the peace braided with the cords of patience, revealing the tapestry of aloha.
Sincerely in service.